The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
"Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education." - Plato There are some people who don’t consider it fall until they get that first pumpkin spice latte of the season. Others don’t feel like it is fall until the morning air is crisp enough to wear that new sweater they’ll inevitably regret by the afternoon. But for me? It doesn’t feel like fall until I hear the sound of a drumline playing "8 On a Hand." (And no, it's not just because I married a drummer.) I’ve been around marching band since I was five years old, but I still get goosebumps when I hear it. I fall into step with the beat without even thinking about it. My fall schedule was filled with band competitions every weekend for over a decade. My first clear memory of marching band was in kindergarten when I sat in the stands at Murray State and watched my oldest sister win the big hometown competition way back in 1995. I watched the color guard in absolute awe and decided right then and ...